Water Utility
The Village obtains its drinking water from three drilled groundwater wells. One of these wells is finished in the deep sandstone aquifer. Well No. 1 was constructed in 1952 to a total depth of 880 feet. This well has been permanently abandoned. Well No. 2 was constructed in 1981 to a depth of 1,350 feet. The current capacity is 380 gpm. In 2003, the Village drilled two shallow sand and gravel wells (No. 3 and No. 4) meant to supplement and/or replace the sandstone aquifer sources. These wells are 100 feet and 105 feet in depth and have a combined capacity of around 900 gpm. Well No. 2 pump station has a storage reservoir approximately 100,000 gallons in size. Currently water pumped from Well No. 2 is blended with water from Wells No. 3 and 4 before being pumped to customers. The Eagle water system also has a 150,000 gallon elevated storage tank.